In Their Own Words: Theocracy Resources

The Radical neo-Calvinists

RJ Rushdoony, Architect of  Dominionism

R.J Rushdoony sermons and lectures:  1314 hours of audio

Journal for Christian Reconstruction  1974-1984, Chalcedon Institute ed. Rushdoony
Various easays, videos and audio recordings at the website of Chalcedon Institute, funded by Rushdoony's former disciple, billionaire Howard Ahmanson, Jr.

Gary K North, Dominionist Theologian/Economist  

Gary North, et al Institute for Christian Economics  Free E-books  (over 2 dozen titles)
 Including  Introduction to Christian Economics (North, 1973)
 Backward Christian Soldiers : An action Manual for Christian Reconstruction  (North, 1984) 

Greg L Bahnsen
After Rushdoony and North, Greg Bahnsen (1948-1995) has been the most influential Recon.

Free Articles by Greg Bahnsen

Gary Demar is the  most visible proponent of the  neo-Calvinist Christian Reconstruction  school of dominionism today.
 Gary DeMar's American Vision blog